Unity tutorial 05

 This weeks unity task was shorter compared to the pervious weeks which was a nice change and aloud us to focus on the game design document more, this weeks tutorial was just a continuation from last week. This time we worked on repeating the background seamlessly to make the game look better when being played , making the game halt when the player collides with an obstacle, stopping the background from repeating and stopping the obstacles from spawning and finally we made sure to destroy any obstacle that get past the player. All of these were fairly easy to follow and understand , i made a few errors wit my code but that was mostly just issues with indentation and the {} brackets at the end weren't in the right place, but once I got them sorted it was a pretty easy task , this tutorial didn't have many task that i could implement into my own game yet , well maybe the halting of the player when they collide with the obstacle.. So i am defiantly looking forward to the following weeks tasks and seeing what advances they make onto this tutorial , hopefully some more tasks related to my own racing game   but overall it was a fun tutorial which u found easy and helpful.

Screenshot from this weeks tutorial 


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