First Playable
So , after last weeks good start to my game we have this week, a kinda good progress to my game i guess you would say. I defiantly encountered more problems this week but maybe that's just because we are into the final stages and the game development is getting harder , i was hoping it would get easier but , nope! So yes , this week i worked on many things for my game , i started off editing my car controller script to have a more arcade feel to it as i wasn't too happy with the previous one i also fixed a few things with my camera script in the process, these two things were the easy part. Now for the hard parts, as i had mentioned in previous blog posts i was going to make my own track from blender but honestly it was a disaster, one little bend which didn't even look good took my over 4 hrs to make so i tried many other tutorials and nothing helped . I just had to accept the fact i am useless at blender and find another solution . I still wanted to "make my own track" i didn't want to just use a pre-built track as it probably wouldn't suit my game style ,so after many google searches i finally found a low poly race track pack which came with all the separate assets i needed to make my own track , all the roads, tress, ramps , bridges and so on. So i got to work , it still was easier but at least i was making progress , making a the track suit the speed and Turing angle was actually quite difficult as for some bend the car simply couldn't make the turns which ruined the flow of the game. Overall i am happy with the progress i made despite the setbacks, next i plan on finishing off the track and scene , and start working on the final touches like sound, menu screen and so on, also I feel like i need to adjust the car controller script a little bit more as the turning seems a bit challenging to turn properly
Hi Craig! I was reading through your first playable and I must say I am impressed! The environment looks cool it reminds me of a racing game for sure, the aesthetics are nice and it looks you put in some good effort into your game. I wonder how the process was of making your own track? Did you watch any youtube tutorials on how to make some or did you make that track yourself? I understand where you are coming from, it is the late stages of the game development and I am so going through a few technical issues but we can solve them. And how did you find using blender? I never thought about using it. But overall I think this is a brilliant process so far you just keep working hard on it and trust me this become amazing! Good luck with the rest of the game and all the best!