Unity Tutorial 03

Overall it was a good unity task which I enjoyed, took a bit longer then the previous tasks. It was nice do do something different then the car game and plane game we did last weeks. The new mechanics we learnt was great fun , the food shooting and the random animal spawner was interesting to learn. I messed up at the start with just the {} brackets being not in the right place and everything wasn't properly indented so nothing was working for me , errors kept on comin up when I loaded in to unity from visual studio. I'm looking forward to the following weeks tasks , as it seems that each week we have been progressing slowly , and each week we are learning new things which is enjoyable. I'm hoping in the following weeks that the tutorials will relate more to the game I am doing, as so far we haven't done much detailed or advanced car mechanics, the first tutorial was helpful but very basic. These weeks tutorial was a bit more of an advance tutorial compared to previous weeks, however it greatly improved my skills with the script writing and the overall understanding of Unity.

Screenshot taken from Unity Task this week


  1. Yoo Craig, I haven't gotten around to this tutorial yet and I've heard its been causing the quite the ruckus, glad to hear that you think its interesting, I'm going to try and attempt it tomorrow. Interested to find out what your game idea looks like. Keep up the good work and ill see you on Tuesday ;).


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