Growth mindset : A Creative Rut....

How to Spark Creativity When Your in a Rut

Before starting I already knew that trying new things was a great way to get out of a rut , it opens up your mind and creates new ideas which is crucial for when your in a creative rut. I didn't know that sharing what you know would help your creative rut, but it makes sense, sometimes what you you need is a jump start and lets say you start teaching a few people how to do your creative work you yourself may find yourself falling back into your normal spark of creativity. I am curious to explore capitalizing on obstacles, i think it is an interesting thing to try in life, in stead of running away from obstacle we should view them as an opportunity for research and analysis, it gets your brain going which will get you our of your creative rut. Overall a great Article which help me learn more about the techniques used to get yourself out of a creative rut. 
                                                  Image by nugroho dwi hartawan from Pixabay 


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