Growth Mindset : Beyond School
Where do I apply the growth mindset the best in my own life? Simple, at my job as a bartender. When i started off , even tho I go out and drink on nights out , i still struggled with knowing all the drinks ,there was just so much to them. I had known my boss previously as he was my football coach for about 8 years and i already knew all the other people who worked at the bar , so it was very easy to learn, I started out just picking up glasses etc and was told i'd be doing that for a few weeks but i ended up doing orders as well on my first day which I wont lie was a little scary , especially when it was a big order, the following week or 2 I began learning all the drinks , it took a lot of trial and error but it was the whole growth mindset that allowed me to learn and progress quickly. The memorizing of the recipes for cocktails , remember all the prices ( i still forget some some of the prices but I'm getting better ) and so much more. If I had of had a fixed mindset I would've given up straight away , but instead I was open to the challenge and willing to learn. How does this apply with school you may ask , well in two ways. First is just the determination to get things right which is crucial when you are working on media and secondly the want to learn new things which will help the process etc, in media work this is important as you can always learn and improve your work you just need to be willing to do so.
Image by Christian_Birkholz from Pixabay
Hi Craig
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with what your saying there. I also work in a bar (only started back in June) but for the first couple of weeks I was basically walking around like a headless chicken not knowing what to do but as the weeks went on I started to get the hang of it and now being given praise for the way I'm working and instead of me going to someone and asking a question its the other way around. That wouldn't have gone that way with a fixed mindset i probably would have given up after a few weeks.