Game Idea Research : Mechanics

So after getting my feedback from my 4 game ideas, it is now time to advance one of these ideas. It was a hard choice between a racing game and an endless runner game, but in the end I have chosen a racing game as I believe I would enjoy it the most. So now for the research,

We are asked to discuss three possible game mechanics , and I already have some in mind from my previous research done last week. My first game mechanic would be a challenge against yourself sort of game , I would make a challenging track, with obstacles and the whole point is to race around the track as fast as possible , with a timer on top the main point is to beat your previous time and set a new high score. Yes its a very simple concept but sometimes these types of games are the most enjoyable , its a competitive game against yourself, what more could you want. And I have many examples of this concept which are linked in my previous game idea blog post I believe

Next game mechanic could be a collecting the coins sort of game , where you race around the track maybe with a 1 minute timer and try collect as many coins as possible, the addition of some obstacles would be a nice challenge to spice things up. I know the coins aspect may be hard to code in and also I need to think about what these coins will be used for , are they just pointless or are they used to buy customization for the car, or different theme songs, or used for powerups during the race. This is a link to a shop/upgrade system i found on YouTube which is made in unity , its defiantly a good idea on what these coins could be used for. Anthore link I found which is more about the actually code and mechanics of picking up the coins in the first place, it appears to be a simple tutorial but we will see.

A game called Trails Fusion has great racing mechanics in my opinion , the track is a simple straight track however there is large jumps and obstacles to get over. What makes in fun is you control the players balance , not the direction. Since the game relies heavily on large air jumps , this balance mechanic makes the game so much more fun and challenging. The controls are simple so anyone can understand whilst also being a fun 3D graphic game.Trials Fusion

Screenshot from Trials Fusion Game

Alot of my research game from this article here,

All Answers Ltd. (November 2018). Game Mechanics in Racing Game: Research. Retrieved from


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