Feeback Thoughts

                                     Feedback whiteboard, Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Why Rejection hurts so much - and what to do about it. 
I found this article pretty interesting , it gives perfect explanations of what rejection is and how it effects us as humans. Reviving your self-worth was explained really well , I like the part where it says to list 5 qualities you have that are meaningful and important, as sometimes we tend to forget what makes us "us", we get lost in this crazy world. Sometimes with feedback we will get negative comments , we will get rejected . our ideas that we thought were great will get rejected. So learning how to deal with this rejection and look at the feedback in a positive way an bounce back from it even stronger.

Seven ways to crush self-doubt in creative work.

Self-doubt is a very big part of the creative industry , it can destroy people and the beautiful work they create. Learning how to defeat this self-doubt is an amazing accomplishment. This articles goes through Seven easy ways , such as simply trusting yourself , setting goals that are within your control and abandon perfectionism. Perfectionism is something I find myself struggling with now and again , its hard not to when you  creating something, I mean of course you want your work to be perfect but sometimes you let it get in the way of actually creating or even finishing your work which is not ideal at all. I think self-doubt has increase and completely changed over the years mainly due to social media an it has become harder not to doubt yourself in the creative industry when you see some of the other work that creators put out there, but we need to realize we are just starting out maybe someday we'll be just as good or even better, hopefully. 

Feedback in General
I think for me anyway , honest feedback worked best for me . Yes it might sting a little at the start but in the end you'll realize that the changes you made where beneficial. There is also the point of if someone gives you feedback which you don't agree with you , you have no obligation to change your work , at the end of the day IT IS YOUR WORK. Also in the past when I was looking to get feedback for my work , I would go to multiple people as everyone views thing differently and has different tastes/styles. I have never let feedback get to me, as realistically the person id trying to do what's best for you whether that was in football from the managers, parents or teachers.
For example, my father is a b&w landscape photographer and I asked him what he thought of my photos one day which are more creative, fun , colorful modern photos and he just said it didn't matter what he thinks of them as because he prefers a much different style, he still said they where good  and gave me feedback on what is good and what to do to make them better but there just  not his taste but what matters is that I like them. And this mindset has always stuck with me not everybody has the same taste as you , not everyone is going to love your work even if its good, and at the end of the work if you love your work then who cares what others think.



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