Growth Mindset


                                                                            Growth mindset image taken from twitter @Mylearningtweet 

Growth mindset 

Before watching these videos and reading the transcripts I had never heard of Carol Dweck before and also never heard of the growth mindset before. Obviously as a kid your thought a lot of these things but never in as much detail as I have just watched just now. Growing up your always thought to try new things , to make mistakes and so on . However I find that in secondary school this sort of mindset gets lost , your not aloud make as many mistakes now , your not praised for good work as much anymore, as its expected of you, you NEED to be prepared for the Leaving Cert.

Me personally I have always found it fun trying new things , I tend not to care about whether I am bad or good at it . But once I gain more experience  in this topic , sometimes it does get to me if I forget something or make a mistake even tho I know its normal I still expect myself to do better .

I do however find some people are just naturally better at some things then others , but this doesn't mean a person cant improve overtime. I see it as if you look at a world famous photographer for example , yes they have years of experience but also luck played some part in the rise to fame , maybe one of there images went viral after 1000s of other images. This is why I think yes some people have natural skill and talent, but never give up or back as you don't know what might happen.

This semester I plan on trying new things , challenging things. I don't want  just pass comfortably I  want to actually test myself , see what I am capable of as in a few years when we graduate I will need may skills to make a name for myself in the industry.


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